Superior Group Roofing & Design - Louisiana Local Roofers

7 Essential Steps to Take After a Storm Damages Your Roof in Shenandoah

roof storm damage, storm damage roof repair, emergency roof repair, Shenandoah

Experiencing the aftereffects of a storm can be unsettling, especially when your home or roof sustains damage. If you’re in Shenandoah and your roof has borne the brunt of nature’s fury, from flying shingles to hail dents and dings, it’s important that you act swiftly yet smartly to mitigate further loss and restore safety to your living space. Superior Group Roofing & Design and Design is committed to guiding you through this challenging time with expertise and care.

Here’s an action plan consisting of seven key steps to help you recover a storm-damaged roof:

roof storm damage, storm damage roof repair, emergency roof repair

Step 1: Assess the Safety

Post-storm, your primary concern should be safety. Inspect your surroundings before you attempt to gauge the damage. Look for downed power lines, scattered debris, and structural damage that could put you at risk.

Superior Tip: If you suspect major damage, don’t climb on the roof yourself. Wait for professionals to arrive.

Step 2: Document the Damage

Once it’s safe, document the extent of the damage to your roof. Take pictures from the ground or from windows, focusing on missing shingles, leaks, or dents in metal roofing. Anything that looks out of place should stand out, and you should also tag or label the images themselves so you remember what to focus on later on. 

Superior Tip: Visual records are invaluable when filing insurance claims and for roofing experts to plan repairs.

Step 3: Make Temporary Fixes

If possible, make temporary fixes to prevent additional water damage. This might include using tarps or waterproof covers, cleaning up broken glass, etc. 

Superior Tip: Superior Group Roofing & Design can swiftly provide emergency tarping services to protect your property while a longer-term solution is devised.

roof storm damage, storm damage roof repair, emergency roof repair

Step 4: Contact Your Insurance Company

Report the damage to your insurance provider promptly. The documentation from step two will be essential here.You want to make sure you have as much information as possible to allow a swift investigation into the claim.

Superior Tip: Superior Group Roofing & Design has extensive experience in navigating insurance claims and can offer support during the process.

Step 5: Be Aware of Scams

Beware of “storm chasers” – contractors who take advantage of those who’ve suffered damage following severe weather incidents.

Superior Tip: Always ensure any roofing company you consider hiring is reputable, licensed, insured, and has a verifiable track record.

Step 6: Arrange Professional Inspections

Arrange for a professional roof inspection. A qualified expert from Superior Group Roofing & Design can provide a detailed assessment of the damage and recommend the best course of action.

Superior Tip: Our specialists have the expertise to conduct thorough inspections and outline necessary repairs or replacements.

Step 7: Choose the Right Repair Service

Select a roofing service that uses quality materials and offers a solid warranty on their work. It’s not just about fixing the roof; it’s about ensuring it’s better equipped to withstand future storms.

Superior Tip: Superior Group Roofing & Design guarantees top-notch materials and craftsmanship, ensuring your roof stands the test of time with quality storm damage roof repairs.

Recovering from storm damage can be an overwhelming process, but with Superior Group Roofing & Design, you’re not alone. We combine professional skill with genuine concern for our clients, making us the ideal partner in restoring not just your roof, but also your peace of mind. Contact us to start your recovery process with a trusted local expert by your side.


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At Superior Group Roofing & Design, we’re dedicated to providing roofing solutions that truly matter. From storm damage restoration to sustainable roofing options, we’ve got you covered. Contact us today for a roofing experience that counts.